Sunday, June 9, 2019

R.C.M.P. Officer Violates Protester's Rights Because He Called Trudeau a "Pinko"


     An R.C.M.P. officer in B.C. broke the law and violated a Canadian protesters charter right to privacy, when they went through police databases, retrieved the protestor's background information and presented it to municipal city officials. The reason? The person they were running a background check on was holding up a sign calling Justin Trudeau a "Commie Pinko". Because violating peoples humans rights because they have a different opinion than you totally doesn't make you look like you are serving a  far left authoritarian regime at all. It's not like a communist country like North Korea, or China have ever done anyth-.....

              Oh. Yeah.

               About that.

      The other reason that the R.C.M.P. officer felt like violating this person's civil liberties was a perfectly acceptable thing to do, was likely due to filing a complaint with the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission. Very little data is kept from any reports from the CRCC and it is known to be heavily redacted. The insane thing about all of this that just makes it that extra little bit more 1984 totalitarian and authoritarian that the CBC article that originally reported this for some reason decided to omit for the general public's fragile little ears, is that the CRCC is a place for Canadians to complain... about the R.C.M.P.

     The man had his privacy invaded, his rights violated by the RCMP, because he complained about the R.C.M.P to the R.C.M.P.

      Now obviously, not all R.C.M.P. officers are bad, in fact many of them are great people who care about the safety of Canadian citizens. But all of them and  not just some of them have to follow the law. Canadians and the Canadian government have to hold the R.C.M.P. accountable. If the organization does not hold itself accountable by actions and not simply by words and lip service and vague promises, the public will start to see all R.C.M.P. officers good and bad as bad because of the actions of tyrants.

     To Justin Trudeau and the current liberal government, it seems as if all they see the R.C.M.P. as is a team of personal bodyguards for them rather than a police force protecting the Canadian citizens. This statement is no exaggeration either. In 2014, after Trudeau was in office, following a shooting that occurred at Parliament that left a constable injured, the Trudeau government decided to spend $83,000,000 of Canadian taxpayer money on a new military style wing of parliament to be bodyguards for the elite called the Parliamentary Protective Service, or the P.P.S. for short. And these are the people the left want us to give up our guns to. Because they clearly are never criminals and never do anything wrong. Until they do. He also bought various police forces in areas that didn't like him these gigantic armored cars:

     The Trudeau government is greasing the pockets of our Federal and Municipal Police forces. But it's not to protect the citizen. It's not to fight crime. It's to cover his ass while he lies and steals from the Canadian people, breaks innumerable laws and infringes on all of our charter rights.

     Justin Trudeau is a pinko. And if he can't take the edgy right wing conservative memes and all the heat coming from his corruption, and tyranny and globalism, and the blowback from him robbing the Canadian Public left and right, then he should get out of the kitchen. It's time for Canadian nationalists and Conservatives from all backgrounds to take this country back.

CBC Article:
The P.P.S.:

    hope you liked article. If you are reading this, and want to stay tuned in to hear the voice of conservative truth, exposing the lies of the Mainstream media and the nationalist populist take and stories about the corruption that is going on in our parliament, follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, or add us on instagram and twitter to get updates on whats going on. We are an independent blog that stands for Canadian Nationalism and a populist view point on politics, and we thank you for reading. We could not do this without Canadian Patriots like you, and appreciate all the support. 


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Manitoba Man Receives 5 Year Prison Sentence for Defending His Home


     Dakota Pratt, a 28 Year old Resident of the Birdtail Sioux First Nation Was Sentenced to 5 Years in a Manitoba Court today for defending his home after he woke up to what he described as "a feeling of being stabbed in the head". There before him was a knife wielding intruder, described in the CBC article that originally covered this story as a man named Bunn, attempting to take his life.

     So, in an attempt to defend his life and his Dakota chased him into the hallway and begin struggling with his assailant in an effort to save his own life.  Pratt seized control of the attackers knife and stabbed Bunn 13 times. One of these stabs Pratt made landed in his attackers chest. He kicked his attacker several times afterwards. This is an understandable reaction if you wake up in the middle of the night and someone decides to try to kill you. It is definitely a story that makes sense, he had significant wounds to his scalp and received significant blood loss during the attack.

     If you break into someones house and get killed in the process, from a moral pespective the answer should be tough shit. Especially if you are using a knife to try to kill someone. The head holds some of the most vital organs in the human body and Dakota Pratts attacker could have without a doubt killed him.

     The Canadian standard for self defense is a joke. Until it isn't funny. Canadian self defense law deems it illegal to do anything that is considered "beyond reasonable force". to be exact, the law says:

34. (1) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself. 

     Of course, there are times where sometimes killing the other person is sadly the only reasonable option to defend ones own life. The Canadian Criminal Code makes an exception for these circumstances:

(2) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted and who causes death or grievous bodily harm in repelling the assault is justified if
(a) he causes it under reasonable apprehension of death or grievous bodily harm from the violence with which the assault was originally made or with which the assailant pursues his purposes; and
(b) he believes, on reasonable grounds, that he cannot otherwise preserve himself from death or grievous bodily harm.

    Once someone begins going for your head and attacking you with a knife, it is beyond reasonable to think they are trying to kill you. They certainly aren't trying to give you a hug. When two people are struggling over a knife, it can go either way if it falls into the wrong hands. Under Canadian law, it is certainly reasonable to assume that Dakota Pratt was in the right from the laws written for self defense. What kind of a country are we living in when saving your own life can get you 5 years in prison? That wasn't enough for the crown prosecutors, oh no.

          They recommended a sentence of 8 years in prison. To put that in perspective, for Dakota Pratt's actions in defense of his life which to any sane human being he had the complete legal right to do, the court recommended he spend  2920 days of his life, 70080 hours of his life in hours, or 4,204,800 minutes of his life in minutes behind bars, away from his family around dangerous felons, for a few minutes of his life where he stopped a man who wanted to ensure he had no minutes left on his life to spend.

         You would think, clearly this man must be some big time drug dealer. He must have had a significant criminal history for the courts to have given him such a hard time. In actuality he didn't. He only had one blemish on his record which was an assault. Not assault with a deadly weapon, not sexual assault, just assault. An unfortunate human mistake in this mans past many people of all backgrounds make the mistake of doing. Something far behind him.

      This is what the courts definition of justice is turning into in our country. A man that had someone try to kill him can now not survive the incident without serving five years in prison, despite the fact he had every legal right to defend himself. The courts clearly broke the law in sentencing this man, and violated his right to security of the person under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is nothing about the courts actions that were just, or moral, or in the interests of the him, the citizen or Canada. It was nothing short of an act of government tyranny.

      It is time for Canadians to ask themselves, for cases of self defense, how are the courts reasonable force on reasonable people? Who is really the criminal in this situation, the citizen defending himself, or whoever sentenced him? I'll let you decide.

   I hope you liked article. If you are reading this, and want to stay tuned in to hear the voice of conservative truth, exposing the lies of the Mainstream media and the nationalist populist take and stories about the corruption that is going on in our parliament, follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, or add us on instagram and twitter to get updates on whats going on. We are an independent blog that stands for Canadian Nationalism and a populist view point on politics, and we thank you for reading. We could not do this without Canadian Patriots like you, and appreciate all the support. 


Friday, June 7, 2019

Trudeau and Macron Team up to Kill Nationalism

         Ahhh Nationalism. The belief that you have to put your country first, encourage economic growth and love of ones nation. According to Trudeau and Macron, the President of France, this is terrible and must be stopped. Why? It's not like the Canadian economy has been suffering under Trudeau. It's not like Trudeau has been on a mission to kill Canadian business while lining the pockets of globalist corporations while claiming to fight corporate greed to score votes with his legions of progressives.

         It's not like we are in the middle of an immigration crisis that is costing the Canadian taxpayer over a billion dollars a year, a cost that his party scheduled to reoccur for four years because he decided to allow refugee status to be abused to raise government spending. It's not like he and his minister of immigration laid out a plan to let 1,290,000 immigrants into a country during that time, one of the largest waves of immigration in history with absolutely no foresight as to how they would figure out which people immigrating were good, and which ones were, I don't know, ISIS fighters? Drug Cartel Members? You know, those wonderful organizations of people that cost tax dollars to pay law enforcement to fight that do tremendous damage to the system.

       It's not like he gave huge bail outs to corrupt left wing media outlets and spent 7 million on "truth monitiors".

    It's not like the canadian government and economy is in crisis.

     except all of these things are true.

      Macron, the french president, is another case of a corrupt ruler promoting socialist values raping the french taxpayers pocketbook like the french economy is just a game for him to play. This game both leaders seem to think they are playing has real life consequences for millions of people.

     After getting elected due to poor competition in the french election, Macron pushed extreme leftist progressive values on the french population, and gained one of the lowest approval ratings in the history of french politics (sounds like someone we know).

     Thousands of protesters took to the streets in what was called the french revolution 2.0, where riots broke out that lasted for over a week.The Yellow Vests appeared during this time to act as activists against a corrupt government, a country in crisis, and socialism.

    So what's their motivation to kill nationalism? it looks like Canada and France are both in turmoil and economic downturn right now, wouldn't it make sense to, I don't know, promote loving our country and improving our own countries economy so we are doing better and don't have to depend on other nations? All of these things make sense for the Canadian citizen, but not for our corrupt leader Justin Trudeau. Macron is in a similar boat because of his own corruption and tyranny.

        Because fixing the problem, would mean less government spending. That would mean that taxes would be lowered for politicians, and that would mean less jobs for their constituents. It would mean that Trudeau would have to rob the economy less over the next few years. It would mean Trudeau couldn't take his vacations in private jets that burn a lot of fuel on your dime and wouldn't have an excuse to tax you every time you go to the gas pump.

    It is time for the Canadian public to wake up and realize that Justin Trudeau is declaring financial warfare on the Canadian Taxpayer, and our only chance of surviving as a free nation is to put our country first.

   No Bullshit foreign aid, No bailouts, no furtherance of a welfare state and letting in people that are national security risks, no more. Canada First.

       I believe I speak for many of my fellow Canadians when I say, we are the true north strong and free. We are not a cuckstate for globalists. And we will not let tyrants kill Canadian nationalism.

        I hope you liked article. If you are reading this, and want to stay tuned in to hear the voice of conservative truth, exposing the lies of the Mainstream media and the nationalist populist take and stories about the corruption that is going on in our parliament, follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, or add us on instagram and twitter to get updates on whats going on. We are an independent blog that stands for Canadian Nationalism and a populist view point on politics, and we thank you for reading. We could not do this without Canadian Patriots like you, and appreciate all the support. 


Welcome to the Canadian Patriot Report

           Welcome to the Canadian Patriot Report. We are pleased to announce we have launched this new blog for people who still believe Canada is meant to be the True North Strong and free. In this age of mainstream media pulling the wool over the Canadian peoples eyes, we are here to expose the lies of the politicians, the globalist manipulators, and debunk the myths that are being perpetrated.

          We stand for the truth, and a fair representation of fact and journalistic integrity. We are the independent anti establishment media, working to protect Canadian freedom and the rights of Canadian citizens by using our right to freedom of expression to shed light on the true stories that they don't want you to hear.
                                        This is The Canadian Patriot Report